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This tutorial shows you how to manage your staking delegations in Station. To learn more about how staking works, visit the staking section of the overview page.

If this is your first time using Station, follow the Station tutorial.

Station offers two methods of staking:

Manual staking

Stake your Luna to the validator of your choice and start earning rewards.

  1. Open the Station desktop app and navigate to the Stake page.

  2. Click Manual Stake and select a Validator by clicking on a name in the Moniker column of the validator list.

  3. In the My delegations section, click Delegate. A new window will appear.

  1. In the Amount field, specify the amount of Luna you want to delegate.
☢️Maintain funds for transaction fees

It is recommended to maintain some funds in your wallet for future transactions. Without available capital for fee payment, you will not be able to carry out further transactions until more tokens are transferred to your wallet.

  1. Double-check the amounts and fees, enter your password, and click Submit.

Congratulations, you've just delegated Luna!

Quick staking

Quick staking chooses validators on your behalf for easy staking. To promote decentralization, quick staking randomly selects validators that meet the following criteria:

  • Bottom 65% of the validator set by voting power
  • No slashes in the last 1,200,000 blocks
  • Commission of 5% or less
💡Quick stake distribution
  • Delegations of 100 or less will be delegated to 1 validator.
  • Delegations of 1000 or less will be split among 2 validators.
  • Delegations of 10,000 or less will be split among 4 validators.
  • Delegations of 10,000 or more will be split among 5 validators.
  1. To quick stake, open Station and select Stake. On the Stake page, select Quick Stake, then select Delegate, and enter an amount.
  1. Double-check the amounts and fees, enter your password, and click Submit.

Use the quick undelegate function to undelegate your funds from multiple validators in a single transaction. Validators with the highest voting power will be undelegated from first, followed by the next highest, until your specified amount is undelegated.

Staking other native assets

You can stake tokens on other networks supported by Station by selecting a different chain on the staking page. Once you've selected your desired chain, follow the steps above.

Withdraw staking rewards

Rewards start accruing the moment you stake. Monitor your rewards in the staking section of Station. Once you have sufficient rewards, follow the steps below to withdraw them.

  1. Open Station and click Stake.

  2. To claim all rewards, click Withdraw all rewards in the upper right corner of the staking page. To withdraw rewards from a single validator, click on Manual stake, select their name in the Validators list, and click Withdraw rewards on the Validator details page.

  3. Review the amount, enter your password, and click Submit.

Congratulations, you've just withdrawn your staking rewards!


Redelegating lets you transfer staked tokens from one validator to another instantly, without waiting for the unstaking period to end. To learn more about redelegation, visit the staking section of the overview page.


When a user redelegates tokens from one validator to another, the validator receiving the staked tokens is barred from making further redelegation transactions for the duration of the unbonding period. Terra’s unbonding period is 21 days. The length of this period varies between chains. This restriction only applies to the wallet that made the redelegation transaction.

  1. Open Station and click Stake.

  2. Click on the Delegations box to see your delegations.

  3. Select the validator you would like to redelegate to.

  4. In the My delegations section of the validator’s page, click Redelegate.

  5. Select the validator you would like to redelegate from.

  6. Enter the token amount you want to redelegate.

  7. Confirm the transaction details, enter your password, and click Submit.

Your staked tokens will be transferred to the new validator.


To unstake your tokens, you will need to undelegate from the validator to which the funds were originally staked.

Manual undelegation

Use the following steps to manually select which validators you want to undelegate from.

☢️Undelegation waiting period

After funds are undelegated, they will be locked until the end of the unbonding period. This period varies between chains. Terra’s unbonding period is 21 days. Once this process has started, there is no option for reversal. After this period has concluded, the funds can be claimed and they will once again be available to carry out transactions with. If you would like to simply stake with another validator, you may use the redelegating process which occurs immediately without the need to wait for processing.

  1. Open Station, connect your wallet, and click Stake in the sidebar.

  2. Click on the Delegations box to see your delegations.

  3. Select the validator you want to unstake from.

  4. In the My delegations section, click Undelegate.

  5. Enter the amount you want to undelegate.

  6. Confirm the transaction details, enter your password, and click Submit.

After submitting the transaction, you will have to wait until the end of the unbonding period for the staked funds to be unlocked. This period varies between chains. Terra’s unbonding period is 21 days. After unbonding is complete, you can submit another transaction to claim your unstaked tokens.

Quick undelegate

Use the quick undelegate function to undelegate your funds from multiple validators in a single transaction. Validators with the highest voting power will be undelegated from first, followed by the next highest, until your specified amount is undelegated.

☢️Undelegation waiting period

After funds are undelegated, they will be locked until the end of the unbonding period. This period varies between chains. Terra’s unbonding period is 21 days. Once this process has started, there is no option for reversal. After this period has concluded, the funds can be claimed and they will once again be available to carry out transactions with. If you would like to simply stake with another validator, you may use the redelegating process which occurs immediately without the need to wait for processing.

  1. Open Station, connect your wallet, and click Stake in the sidebar.

  2. Under the Quick stake section, click Undelegate.

  3. Enter the amount you want to undelegate.

  4. Confirm the transaction details, enter your password, and click Submit.

After submitting the transaction, you will have to wait until the end of the unbonding period for the staked funds to be unlocked. This period varies between chains. Terra’s unbonding period is 21 days. After unbonding is complete, you can submit another transaction to claim your unstaked tokens.